An eye for the environment


is a precious commodity that will become even scarcer in the future. Using water sustainably and efficiently is one of the challenges of modern floriculture.

How to reuse water

In a recirculation system, the drain water is collected and reused. Water and drain water quality require special attention. In ornamental plant cultivation, rainwater is the source of choice. Rainwater can easily be collected in basins. When water is in short supply, it is supplemented with other water sources such as groundwater. One point of attention is the fact that drain water may not simply be discharged into surface waters. After all, when drain water is discharged, the water quality of the receiving watercourse must not deteriorate.

Within our farm, water from the container fields is collected through a recirculation system. Recently, a first flush system has also been installed to prevent fertiliser washed out during extreme rainfall from entering surface water directly. To minimise environmental impact, relatively little fertiliser/spray is used at our nursery; a perennial plant needs relatively little.

Water Drainage by Drainage and Infiltration (WADI)

Infiltration of non-polluted rainwater into the soil is a measure for which the environment is very grateful to us. The rainwater seeps through the soil and replenishes groundwater reserves. There are many ways you can infiltrate.
Eyssel bv will soon start the construction of a WADI to do its bit for a good environment even more.

Waste separation

Of course, waste separation is also important at our company. Paper, plastic, wood, vegetable and residual waste is of course carefully separated. 

Milieukeur Foundation.

Also, our plants are grown as sustainably as possible within the standards of MPS.


🌱 We are looking for reinforcements!

Perennial nursery Het Eyssel is looking for enthusiastic colleagues! Do you like working outside and do you love greenery? Then this is your chance!
